Jacob's Well Church
Wherever we are on our journey, we will take steps together to know and become like Jesus.
3 Weekend Services:
Saturdays 5:00pm (with JW Kids Nursery through Pre-K Open)
Sundays 9:00am & 10:45am (with JW Kids Nursery through 5th Grade Open)
Greenhouse YTH for 6th-12th Grade, Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Podcasting since 2018 • 682 episodes
Jacob's Well Church
Latest Episodes
What's Love Got To Do With It? • TSOU S4 E24
Choosing to love like Jesus is both necessary, and complicated.

The New Way
Of all the things Jesus asks of us, the most difficult—and most defining—is His command to love one another. Not a sentimental, feel-good love, but a costly, courageous, and sacrificial love that reflects the way He loves us. In this message, w...
Season 77
Episode 7

The Challenges of Servant Leadership • TSOU S4 E23
Acting as a servant may call for multiple approaches depending on what the situation calls for.
Season 77
Episode 6

The Beautiful Servant
Have you ever stepped into something new, convinced you’d be great at it, only to be humbled by how hard it really was? Whether it’s parenting, marriage, a new job, or even just a hobby like golf, we all encounter moments where our confidence m...
Season 77
Episode 5